apl. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Drüppel

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

    Institut für Angewandte Geowissenschaften - Mineralogie & Petrologie

    Adenauerring 20b

    76131 Karlsruhe


Curriculum Vitae

Apl. Prof. Dr. Kirsten Drüppel

Diplom-Mineralogin, Dr. rer nat. habil.

married, two children



05/2012                          Habilitation at Technische Universität Berlin

06/2003                          Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude) at the University of Würzburg

11/1999                          Diplom in mineralogy at the University of Würzburg

05/1997 – 01/1999        Degree courses in mineralogy and crystallography, University of Würzburg

10/1993 – 01/1999        Degree courses in geology and palaeontology, University of Würzburg


Professional experience

05/2011 – 07/2014        Akademische Rätin at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)

10/2010 – 04/2011        Guest Professor (substitute chair of mineralogy), FU Berlin

03/2004 – 09/2010        Assistant Professor (Wissenschaftliche Assistentin), TU Berlin

11/2003 – 02/2004        Research fellow, Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

06/2003 – 10/2003        Research fellow, University of Würzburg, Germany

09/2001 – 03/2004        Lecturer, University of Erlangen, Germany

07/2000 – 09/2003        Scientific assistant, University of Würzburg

10/1999 – 03/2000        Scientific assistant at the Fraunhofer ISC Würzburg

02/1997 – 12/1998        Student assistant, University of Würzburg



05/2004                          Award of the Unterfränkische Gedenkjahrsstiftung für Wissenschaft for an

                                        outstanding Dr. rer. nat. thesis at the University of Würzburg

03/2001-02/2003           Research grant of the University of Würzburg

01/2001                          Karl Sapper Award for an outstanding Diplom at the Institute of Geosciences

                                        of the University of Würzburg



Research Interests


My research interests are three-fold, comprised of (1) field-related petrological studies, (2) experimental petrology, and (3) archaeometry. Field-related petrological studies focus on igneous and metamorphic rocks from world-wide localities, including Germany, Namibia/Angola, Australia, Samos, Greece, Rogaland, Norway, and Syria/Turkey. Related experimental studies are mainly concerned with fluid-rock interaction processes on the micro- to nanoscale. Archaeometric projects focus on Aramaic sculptures and ancient ceramic production of Turkey/Syria.



Research Projects


  • Petrogenesis of carbonatites and investigation of carbonatite-related sodalite and REE deposits, Namibia; Funding provided by the University of Würzburg and the DFG
  • Petrogenesis of anorthosites and related Fe-Ti ores of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, Namibia/Angola; Funding provided by DFG
  • Archaeometric investigation of Halaf ceramics in Northern Mesopotamia; Funding provided by the DFG
  • Archaeometric investigation of basaltic fragments of Aramaic Sculptures from Tell Halaf, Syria, Funding provided by DFG
  • Fluid assisted mineral replacement processes within the scope of Research Group 741: Nanoscale Processes and Geomaterials Properties, Funding provided by DFG
  • Investigation of the metamorphic evolution of the high-grade metamorphic aureole surrounding the Proterozoic Rogaland Complex, SW Norway
  • Interaction of granitic rocks with geothermal fluids, Research project: Einfluss der Gesteinszusammensetzung auf die Wasserchemie und damit auf geothermische Nutzungssysteme; Beispiel: Gesteine des Schwarzwaldes within the scope of GEO.Cool: Kühlung mit oberflächennaher Geothermie - Möglichkeiten, Grenzen, Innovationen; Funding provided by BWPLUS


Older publications

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Romer R. (2011): The role of crustal contamination in massif-type anorthosites, new evidence from Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic composition of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia. Precambrian Research 185: 18–36.

Drüppel K., Kratzig A., Brätz H., Martin L., Franz G., Geismeier S. (2010): Aramaic basalt statues from Tell Halaf, Syria: locating the ancient quarries.- Archaeometry 53, 441–468.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Taubald H. (2010): Magmatic evolution of anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia: evidence from oxygen isotope data and trace element zoning.- Journal of Petrology 51: 897-919.

Elitok Ö., Özgür N., Drüppel K., Dilek Y., Platevoet B., Poisson A., Satır M., Siebel W., Yılmaz K. (2009): Origin and geodynamic evolution of Late Cenozoic alkali potassium-rich lavas in the Isparta area, SW Turkey. In Dilek (Ed.): Eastern Mediterranean Geodynamics.- International Geology Review, DOI 10.1080/00206810902951411.

Drüppel K., Lehmann C. (2009): Fire bombing of the Tell Halaf Museum in Berlin during World War II – new insights based on mineralogical observations.- European Journal of Mineralogy 21: 443-456.

Drüppel K., McCready A., Stumpfl E. (2009): High-K granites of the Rum Jungle Complex, N Australia: insights into the Late Archean crustal evolution of the North Australian Craton.- Lithos 111: 203-219.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K. (2009): Spurenelementzonierung von Plagioklasen des Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplexes (NW-Namibia). Zentralblatt für Geologie und Paläontologie, Heft 3/4, 267-286.

Elitok Ö., Drüppel K. (2008): Geochemistry and tectonic significance of metamorphic sole rocks of the Beysehir-Hoyran ophiolite (SW Turkey).- Lithos 100: 322-353.

Drüppel K., Hösch A., Franz G. (2007): The system Al2O3-P2O5-H2O at temperatures below 200°C: experimental data on the stability of variscite and metavariscite AlPO4∙2H2O.- American Mineralogist 92: 1695-1703.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Romer R., Okrusch M. (2007): Petrology and isotope geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic anorthosite and related rocks of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia.- Precambrian Research 156: 1-31.

Ring U., Will T., Glodny J., Kumerics C., Gessner K., Güngör T., Monie P., Okrusch M., Drüppel K. (2007): Early exhumation of high-pressure rocks in extrusion wedges: the Cycladic blueschist unit in the eastern Aegean, Greece and Turkey.- Tectonics 26 (doi: 10.1029/2005TC001872).

Drüppel K., Wagner T., Boyce A. (2006): Evolution of sulfide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia: constraints from mineral chemistry and sulfur isotope data.- Canadian Mineralogist 44: 843-860.

Drüppel K. (2005): Von der Mantelschmelze zum Namibia Blue: die komplexe Entstehungsgeschichte eines außergewöhnlichen Natursteinvorkommens.- Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft 151: 13-46.

Drüppel K., Hoefs J., Okrusch M. (2005): Fenitizing processes induced by ferrocarbonatite magmatism at Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia.- Journal of Petrology 46: 377-406.

Drüppel K., von Seckendorff V., Okrusch M. (2001): Subsolidus reaction textures in anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia.- European Journal of Mineralogy 13: 289-309.

Von Seckendorff V., Drüppel K., Okrusch M., Littmann S., Cook N. (2000): Oxide-sulphide relationships in sodalite-bearing metasomatites of the Epembe-Swartbooisdrif Alkaline Province, North-West Namibia.- Mineralium Deposita 35: 430-450.

Von Seckendorff V., Drüppel K. (1999): Fe-Ti oxides and sulphide mineralisation in sodalite-bearing metasomatites at Swartbooisdrif (Kunene Region, NW Namibia).- In: de Wall H., Greiling R.O. (eds.): Aspects of Pan-African tectonics, Bilateral Seminars 32: 99-102, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich.


Book chapters & monographs


Drüppel K. (2015):  Mineralogische und petrographische Untersuchungen an Keramikscherben der Ḥalaf- und ‘Obēd-Zeit aus verschiedenen Fundorten Nordost-Syriens. In: Becker, J.: Tell Ṭawīla, Tell Ḥalaf und Wādī Ḥamar: Ḥalaf- und ‘Obēd-Zeit in Nordost-Syrien. Regionale Entwicklungen, Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede. Ex Oriente e.V., Berlin, 452-459.

Drüppel K. (2011): Basalt mit Gedächtnis – Ursprung, Abbau und eine ereignisreiche Geschichte. In: Cholidis, N., Martin, L. (Ed.): Die geretteten Götter aus dem Palast vom Tell Halaf. Ausstellungskatalog 2011. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin & Verlag Schnell & Steiner GmbH, Regensburg, 319-328.

Drüppel K. (2010): Herkunft Stein und Analyse der Brandreste. In: Cholidis, N., Martin, L. (Ed.): Tell Halaf Band 5: Tell Halaf – Im Krieg zerstörte Denkmäler und ihre Restaurierung. De Gruyter, Berlin, 381-417.

Drüppel K. (2003): Petrogenesis of the Mesoproterozoic anorthosite, syenite and carbonatite suites of NW Namibia and their contribution to the metasomatic formation of the Swartbooisdrif sodalite deposits.- Dr. rer. nat. thesis, University of Würzburg, Germany, 345 + 199 pp.

Drüppel K. (1999): Petrologie und Geochemie von Anorthositen des Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplexes, NW-Namibia.- Diplom thesis, University of Würzburg, Germany, 217 pp.




Drüppel K., Okrusch M. (2004): Blaue Schätze aus den Tiefen der Erde – Namibia Blue.- Der Geologische Kalender 2004, Kalenderblatt Februar, Geoskript, Adelheidsdorf.

Drüppel K., Okrusch M. (2002): Das Blau aus den Tiefen der Erde.- Forschung – das Magazin der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft 3-4: 20-24. – ebenfalls publiziert in: Schattenblick, Elektronische Zeitschrift, MA-Verlag, Stelle-Wittenwurth, 2003.




Barth F., Görner T., Schmidt R., Drüppel K., Grimmer J., Stober I. (2017): Experimental investigation of the hydrothermal alteration of granite and monzonite from the Black Forest, Germany. European Geothermal Workshop, Karlsruhe, 2017, Abstract Volume.

Grimmer J., Drüppel K., Stober I. (2016): Origin of lithium in deep brines of SW-Germany – first results. European Geothermal Congress, Strasbourg, 2016, Abstract Volume.

Garganese J., Drüppel K., Eiche E., Castro J. (2015): Characterization of the Au-Cu skarn deposit of the Sta. Teresa Mine, La Paz Mining District, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. GeoBerlin, Berlin, 2015, Abstract Volume.

Riehm A., Ruppert Y., Drüppel K., Grimmer J. (2015): New constraints on the metamorphic evolution of metabasites of the Central Schwarzwald Gneiss Complex, Germany. GeoBerlin, Berlin, 2015, Abstract Volume.

Breuer S., Müller B., Drüppel K., Schilling F. (2015): An approach to calculate minerals´ bulk moduli KS from their chemical composition and density ρ. AGU meeting, San Francisco, 2015, Abstract Volume.

Zundel M., Grimmer J., Drüppel K. (2015): Migmatitic gneisses of the Peterstal antiform (Central Schwarzwald, SW-Germany): Structural and petrological insights into late Variscan exhumation of lower continental crust. AGU meeting, San Francisco, 2015, Abstract Volume.

Drüppel K., Federkeil M., Rampf B., Becker J. (2014): Microanalysis of Neolithic pottery from northern Syria: insights to provenance and production technology. DMG meeting Jena, 2014, Abstract Volume.

Leible D., Drüppel K. (2014): Formation of REE-rich veins in ferrocarbonatite, NW Namibia. DMG meeting Jena, 2014, Abstract Volume.

Steiger A., Drüppel K., Heuser A. (2014): Metamorphic evolution of peridotites from the Schwarzwald: evidence from mineral trace element data and P-T pseudosections. DMG meeting Jena, 2014, Abstract Volume.

Zundel M., Grimmer J., Drüppel K. (2014): Petrologic and structural constraints on the late Variscan exhumation of lower crustal migmatitic gneisses of the Peterstal antiform (Central Schwarzwald, SW-Germany). DMG meeting Jena, 2014, Abstract Volume.

Zundel M., Grimmer J., Drüppel K. (2014): Migmatitic gneisses of the Peterstal antiform (Central Schwarzwald, SW-Germany): Structural and petrological insights into late Variscan exhumation of lower continental crust. GeoFrankfurt, 2014, Abstract Volume.

Drüppel K., Brätz H. (2012): Experimental investigation of fluid assisted replacement of plagioclase – reaction via an amorphous interstage. European Mineralogical Conference, Frankfurt, 02.-06.09.2012, Abstract Volume.

Grimmer, J., Glodny, J., Drüppel, K., Kontny, A., Greiling, R.O. (2012): A Silurian top-to-NW ductile shear zone in the Seve Nappe Complex (central Scandinavian Caledonides, Sweden): the top of a Scandian palaeo-extrusion wedge? TSK-Tagung (Symposium zu Tektonik, Strukturgeologie und der Geologie von Kristallingesteinen) in Kiel, 28.-30.03.2012.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Becker H. (2010): Osmium isotopes and highly siderophile element fractionation in the massif-type anorthosites of the Mesoproterozoic Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia. DMG meeting Münster, 2010, Abstract Volume.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Becker H. (2010): Partition of highly siderophile elements between oxide and sulphide phases of anorthosites of the Mesoproterozoic Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW. DMG meeting Münster, 2010, Abstract Volume.

Hertwig A., Drüppel K., Franz G. (2010): Metamorphic evolution of phyllites from the Sierra Cabrera, SE Spain. DMG meeting Münster, 2010, Abstract Volume.

Augustin S., Drüppel K., Wirth R., Rhede D. (2009): Mikroreaktionsgefüge und P-T-Entwicklung von Osumilithgneis, SW-Norwegen. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 21.

Augustin S., Drüppel K., Wirth R., Rhede D. (2009): Reaction microtextures and metamorphic evolution of osumilite gneisses from Rogaland, Norway. Granulites & Granulites 2009, Abstract Volume.

Brandt S., Klemd R., Drüppel K. (2009): Mesoproterozoic upper-amphibolite to granulite facies contact-metamorphism in the contact-thermal aureole of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia. Granulites & Granulites 2009, Abstract Volume.

Drüppel K., Augustin S., Brandt S. (2009): Regional vs. anorthosite-related contact metamorphism of granulite facies gneisses of Rogaland, SW Norway. Granulites & Granulites 2009, Abstract Volume.

Drüppel K., Gleißner P., Romer R.L., Gerdes A. (2009): Long-lived Mesoproterozoic magmatic activity in Namibia –insights to the origin and evolution of anorogenic igneous suites. Goldschmidt meeting, Davos, 2009, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, Issue 13, Supplement 1: A306.

Drüppel K., Kratzig A., Brätz H., Martin L., Cholidis N., Franz G., Geismeier S. (2009): Aramaic basalt statues from Tell Halaf, Syria: localisation of the ancient quarries. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 43.

Drüppel K., Tommaseo C. (2009): Fluid assisted replacement of feldspar – structure of the reaction interface and the role of amorphous material formation. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 44.

Elsäßer L., Drüppel K., Gerdes A. (2009): In-situ LA-ICPMS geochronology and calculated P-T-x phase diagrams of sapphirine granulites from Rogaland, Norway. Granulites & Granulites 2009, Abstract Volume:.

Franke H., Drüppel K., Brätz H. (2009): Petrogenese von Fe-Ti-Oxidkörpern des anorthositischen Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplexes, NW-Namibia. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 66.

Franke H., Drüppel K., Brätz H. (2009): Formation of anorthosite-related Fe-Ti deposits, Namibia. Goldschmidt meeting, Davos, 2009, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, Issue 13, Supplement 1: A394.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Brätz H. (2009): Crustal contamination of anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, Namibia: insights from LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of plagioclase and intercumulus phases. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 82.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Romer R, Taubald H. (2009): Mantle source and crustal contamination of anorthosites of the Proterozoic Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia. DMG meeting Halle, 2009, DMG meeting Halle, 2009. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31: 81.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Taubald H., Romer R (2009): Mantle source and crustal contamination of the anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia. Goldschmidt meeting, Davos, 2009, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73, Issue 13, Supplement 1: A442.

Drüppel K., Brandt S., Franke H. (2008): Regional vs. anorthosite-related contact metamorphism of granulite facies paragneisses of the Rogaland sector, Norway: evidence from calculated PTX phase diagrams. DMG meeting Berlin, 2008.

Drüppel K., Franke H., Brandt S. (2008): High-grade metamorphism and partial melting of granulite facies para- and orthogneisses, Norway. International Geological Congress (IGC) Oslo, 2008.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Romer R.L. (2008): Mesoproterozoic ferrocarbonatite magmatism and related metasomatic processes, Namibia. International Geological Congress (IGC) Oslo, 2008.

Elsäßer L., Drüppel K., Gerdes A. (2008): Metamorphic evolution of sapphirine granulites from Rogaland, Norway: evidence from in-situ La-ICPMS geochronology of mineral reactions combined with calculated P-T-x phase diagrams. International Geological Congress (IGC) Oslo, 2008.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Taubald H. (2008): Igneous evolution of anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, Namibia: evidence from plagioclase trace element zoning and oxygen isotope data. International Geological Congress (IGC) Oslo, 2008.

Gleißner P., Drüppel K., Taubald H., Romer R.L. (2008): Anorthosites of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, Namibia: new evidence from oxygen and radiogenic isotope data and mineral trace element zoning. DMG meeting, Berlin, 2008.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Romer R.L. (2007): Mehrphasige magmatische Aktivität NW-Namibias im Mesoproterozoikum und ihre Bedeutung für die Krustenentwicklung des südlichen Kongo-Kratons. AdG-Tagung, Potsdam, 2007.

Drüppel K., McCready A., Stumpfl E. (2007): Archean granites from the Rum Jungle Complex, Australia. Goldschmidt meeting, Köln, 2007.

Drüppel, K., Wirth, R. (2007): Metasomatic transformation of plagioclase to sodalite: comparison between nature and experiment. Frontiers in Geosciences 2007.

Franke, H., Drüppel, K. (2007): Geochemistry and petrology of granulite-facies rocks from Rogaland, SW Norway. Goldschmidt meeting, Köln, 2007.

Gleißner, P., Drüppel, K. (2007): Trace element zonation of plagioclase from the Kunene Intrusive Complex (NW Namibia). Goldschmidt meeting, Köln, 2007.

Gleißner, P., Drüppel, K. (2007): Textural and compositional characteristics of plagioclase phenocrysts from two distinct massif-type anorthosite bodies, NW Namibia: evidence for large-scale fluid-assisted reequilibration? Frontiers in Geosciences 2007.

Gleißner, P., Drüppel, K. (2007): Spurenelementzonierung in Plagioklasen des Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplexes (NW Namibia). AdG-Tagung, Potsdam, 2007.

Kratzig, A., Drüppel, K. (2007): Aramäische Basaltstatuen des Tell Halaf, N-Syrien – Lokalisierung der historischen Steinbrüche.- Jahrestreffen Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2007, Potsdam: 159-161.

Lehmann, C., Drüppel, K. (2007): Zerstörung des Tell Halaf-Museums im 2.Weltkrieg: Neue Erkenntnisse auf Basis mineralogischer Untersuchungen.- Jahrestreffen Archäometrie und Denkmalpflege 2007, Potsdam: 156-158.

Drüppel, K., Franke, H., Lehmann, C., Spiekermann, G., Thiele, M. (2006): Subsolidus conversion of plagoclase to sodalite.- EMPG XI Bristol, Programme Volume: 15.

Drüppel K., Franke H., Lehmann C., Spiekermann G., Thiele M. (2006): Metasomatische Umwandlung von Plagioklas zu Sodalith – Mikrogefüge und Reaktionsprozess.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 18.

Drüppel K., Lehmann C. (2006): Bombing of the Tell Halaf Museum in Berlin during World War II –first insights into the succession of events based on mineralogical observations.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 18.

Cholidis N., Martin L., Geismeier S., Drüppel K., Franz G. (2005): The Tell Halaf-Project.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 17: 23.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Okrusch M. (2005): Geochemical constraints on the evolution of a Mesoproterozoic anorthosite-syenite-granite suite, NW Namibia.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 17: 30.

Hösch A., Drüppel K., Borchert M., Gleißner P., Schmitz S., Franz G. (2005): Experimental investigation of the stability of variscite AlPO4∙2H2O.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 17: 57.

Drüppel K. & Okrusch M. (2004): Namibia Blue - die Genese eines außergewöhnlichen Natursteinvorkommens im Kaokoveld.- Geo 3, Jahrestagung 2004 der Afrikagruppe deutscher Geowissenschaftler, Berlin, Tagungsband: 23.

Drüppel K., Wagner T., Boyce A. (2004): Evolution of sulphide mineralization in ferrocarbonatite, NW Namibia: constraints from sulphur isotopes.- Goldschmidt Geochemistry Conference 2004, Kopenhagen.

McCready A.J., Drüppel K., Stumpfl E.F., Cross A., Lally J., Ahmad M. (2004): New insights into the Archean crustal evolution of the North Australian Craton: the view from granites of the Rum Jungle Complex.- Annual Meeting of the Geological / Mineralogical Association of Canada 2004, Abstracts Volume 29: 443.

Drüppel K., Hoefs J., Okrusch M. (2002): The polyphase magmatic and metasomatic history of ferrocarbonatites from Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 14: 38.

Drüppel K., Hoefs J., Littmann S., Okrusch M. (2002): Carbonatite-related fenitisation processes at the southern margin of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia.- IMA meeting 2002, Edinburgh, Abstract Volume: 250.

Drüppel K., Rickers K., Okrusch M. (2002): Characterisation of the trace element distribution in fenitizing fluids by synchrotron radiation x-ray fluorescence (SRXRF) microprobe analysis.- DESY, Annual Report 2001 (online).

Drüppel K., von Seckendorff V. (2001): Metasomatic sodalite formation caused by the interaction between NaCl-rich fluids, anorthosite and alkaline syenite at Swartbooisdrif, NW Namibia.- Meeting of the European Union of Geosciences XI, Journal of Conference Abstracts: 588.

Drüppel K., Brandt S., Okrusch M. (2000): Evolution of the anorthositic Kunene Intrusive Complex and the metamorphic rocks of the Epupa Complex, NW Namibia: Evidence for cogenetic formation during Proterozoic crustal extension?.- Geoluanda Meeting 2000, Luanda, Angola, Abstract Volume: 47-48.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Okrusch M. (2000): Geo- und isotopenchemische Untersuchungen der Anorthosite des Kunene-Intrusiv-Komplexes (KIK) in NW-Namibia.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 12: 37.

Drüppel K., Okrusch M. (2000): Petrology and geochemistry of anorthositic rocks of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, NW Namibia.- Geoluanda Meeting 2000, Luanda, Angola, Abstract Volume: 49-50.

Von Seckendorff V., Drüppel K., Okrusch M., Littmann S., Cook N. (1999): Ore mineral relationships in sodalite-bearing metasomatites of the Epembe-Swartbooisdrif Alkaline Province, NW Namibia.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 11: 210.

Drüppel K., Littmann S., Cook N.J., Okrusch M. (1998): Petrology and geochemistry of anorthosites and troctolites, Kunene Intrusive Complex, Namibia.- Berichte der Deutschen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy 10: 77.